
Latest Letters

Letter to the editor

Dear editor, A lack of understanding on a topic or community often finds itself wrapped in a blanket of concern for “the movement”. Communist parties don’t have a monopoly on correct takes, and have historically neglected the experiences of women, racial minorities or LGBTQ people, in their quest for revolutionary […]

Letters Politics Socialism

January’s Socialist Voice issued an editorial accompanying an article about trangender rights[1] that rightly calls for respect in debates on this topic. Surely, the more obvious issue here is why we have this debate at all. From the point of view of scientific socialism, the matter is entirely irrelevant. As […]


Dear Editor, I refer to the closing of the Israeli embassy in Dublin and the outrageous comments from the Israeli foreign minister, a person who should be tried for crimes against humanity. I refer to a report from the United Nations concerning practices affecting human rights of the Palestinian people […]

Economics International Letters

Trump World

The election last month of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America has received extensive media coverage. Much of the reporting has, understandably, focused on the individual and his idiosyncratic, even eccentric behaviour. How did such an unconventional character manage to persuade a majority of Americans to […]

Current Affairs Letters

Letters: Julian Assange

Dear Editor, All those who support peace and neutrality will welcome the release of Wikileaks founder and journalist Julian Assange. He has been freed after five years incarcerated in Britain’s most notorious Belmarsh Prison, and is expected to travel home to Australia after he agreed to plead guilty to a […]

Ireland Letters

Michael Gaughan (1949-74) 

The tricolour that draped Michael Gaughan’s coffin was used for Terence McSwiney’s funeral, contributed by life-long Communist Party member Muriel MacSwiney, widow of Terence MacSwiney.  During the people’s resistance against injustice in the North of Ireland, it was said that ordinary people did extraordinary things. This could be said of […]


Letters to the editor: COP28

Writing in March this year the leading climate scientist Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research stated ”to not exceed 1.5°C of warming requires 11% year-on-year cuts in emissions, falling to nearer 5% for 2°C. However, these global average rates ignore the core concept of equity, central […]


Letters to the editor: Gaza

Who was it that said war was just? Each night I watch the horrors unfolding in front of my own eyes via the TV. As a boy we would watch old movies from the Second World War, the horrors, the emptiness, thinking it would never happen again. Then we had […]


Letter to the Editor

A Chara, I am writing to applaud the courageous decision by Dublin City Council to decline the application for a WW1 Memorial in Killester, and for their excellent maintenance of our publicly-owned green open spaces and trees over many decades. The majority of Killester residents do not want political controversy […]


A Note on Ukraine

In the March Socialist Voice, a piece on Ukraine proposed the proximate cause of the war is NATO. There are good reasons why Communists in Western European countries should highlight NATO’s role to its own populations insofar as it helps counter one-sided narratives of the conflict. However, some have also […]


Ná Díolaimis Coillte Do Chreach-Chistí

A chara, Ba chóir do Choillte diúltú don socrú seo le hinfheisteoirí. Tá Éire, lena haeráid bhog mheasartha (téite ag Sruth na Murascaille) an-fheiliúnach do chrainn dhúchasacha. Ach le míle bliain anuas laghdaíodh méid ár gcoillte go dtí 1%. Faoi láthair tá níos lú ná 12% den talamh faoi chrainn, […]


British Army Memorials in Killester

Dear Editor, I refer to plans to build British Army Memorials in 2023, for example in our area, Killester, on Dublin’s north side. Many well-meaning people in this country see no harm in the numerous British War Memorials, thinking that they are just remembering the past glories of the British […]


Alex Saab and the Death of Diplomacy

Dear friends, Two years ago, we started the campaign to release Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat incarcerated in a United States federal prison in Miami. Venezuela’s Special Envoy to Iran was arrested on June 12, 2020, when his plane was forced to stop in Cape Verde to refuel, local authorities […]

Ireland Letters

A new British Army memorial

A chairde,      Dublin City Council does indeed think that Ireland, and specifically Dublin, needs more British army WWI Memorials. Apparently the concept of Irish neutrality, not to speak of the concreting of public green areas and destruction of public spaces, does not trouble Dublin City Council. The councillors, led […]



I was just wondering if someone could pass my compliments on to Graham Harrington for his latest article (“Irish decolonisation,” 4 October 2022). It was a great exploration of the all too commonplace “colonised” Irish mindset/psyche through the lens of Marxism, with especially welcome emphasis on the Irish language. Graham’s […]



“Covid vaccination: A more radical solution needed,” written by Raymond Ó Dubhghaill on 3 October 2021. I applaud Raymond for this article. I used to describe myself as left/anarchist/animal liberationist/punk. As a vegan I have been interested in the connection of medicine and animal based research for 30 years. As […]