Tag: Capitalism

Featured Latest Marxist Feminism

Women, Capitalism, and Class: Women are forced to carry an unequal burden

Indisputably, the exploitation of women under capitalism is deeply rooted in the class structure of society and the economic system itself, and even a rudimentary class analysis quickly reveals how capitalism perpetuates and benefits from the oppression of women, particularly working-class women. Under capitalism women must battle with the dual […]

Books History Latest

Heinrich Mann’s The Loyal Subject– A Sharp Analysis of Power and Submission on the 75th Anniversary of His Death

Heinrich Mann, brother of Thomas Mann and in his own right one of the most significant German writers of the 20th century, died in exile in California 75 years ago, on March 11, 1950. His literary work, deeply concerned with social justice and political change, remains relevant today. Mann’s writing […]


Prospects for Capitalism in 2025

The trajectory of the global capitalist economy reveals a deep and persistent malaise. Since the Great Recession of 2008-2009, G7 economies have failed to regain their former dynamism. The acute yet temporary recession triggered by the global pandemic has only exacerbated this long-term trend. Across the G7, metrics for business […]

Ireland Political Statements Politics

Statement on the outcome of the 2024 General Election in the 26 Counties

The outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities. Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy which sees the Irish government unable […]

Article Ireland

Profiting from Old Age

The 26 counties has a rapidly ageing population. According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the amount of the population aged 65 or over grew 40% between 2013-2023, from 569,000 to 806,000. By 2051, the number will double to 1.6 million. As with everything in this country, the lack of […]

Economics International Letters

Trump World

The election last month of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America has received extensive media coverage. Much of the reporting has, understandably, focused on the individual and his idiosyncratic, even eccentric behaviour. How did such an unconventional character manage to persuade a majority of Americans to […]

Article Current Affairs


Migration has become an issue in Irish politics, although the extent to which it influences voting preference is moot. Much of the discourse around migration consists of liberals condemning working class communities for questioning the effects of migration on their communities, the racist right blaming migrants for the social and […]