Marxist Feminism

History LGBTQI Marxist Feminism


With the current culture wars focusing on mainly trans people, singling out trans women in particular (and forgetting trans men exist), one would almost forget that Irish feminists were once involved in a feminist journal that had subscribers all over the world. It was revolutionary in its writing, trying to […]

Marxist Feminism Political Statements

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the CPI stands in unwavering solidarity with the women and children of Gaza, who courageously endure the harrowing reality of state-orchestrated oppression. Palestinian women find themselves at the forefront of a relentless genocide. They witness the very people they […]

Marxist Feminism

The women of Iran have risen

The women of Iran have risen up, with cries of “Down with the dictator!” The catalyst has been the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old woman murdered at the hands of the Gasht-e Ershād (Guidance Patrol), otherwise known as the morality police. She was arrested on 13 September for […]

Marxist Feminism Socialism

The History of IWWD

This March 8th, we observe International Working Women’s Day or IWWD, but the first unofficial women’s day took place in America on the 28th of February 1909. In 1910 Clara Zetkin proposed that an international working women’s day would be observed every year at the Conference of Working Women. March […]

Marxist Feminism

Violence against women: A class question

While violence against women cuts across socio-economic divides, working-class women are particularly exposed both to violence—especially violence from strangers—and to its economic effects. Urantsetseg Tserendorj was an office cleaner who was attacked in the Financial Services Centre in Dublin as she made her way home from her shift in January […]