
Article Imperialism International Ireland

Revolutionary Defeatism 

The Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil/Green Party government has been characterised by an increasing shift towards NATO, an intensification of moves that occurred under previous governments, introducing new levels of entanglement with PESCO and other “common defence” initiatives. This is happening in tandem with the increased militarisation of the EU the ever-greater sabre-rattling of […]

Article Campaigns Ecology Ireland

Irish Resources 

After the discovery of natural gas in Kinsale by Marathon Oil in 1971, the Resources Protection Campaign was founded by several groups, including the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI). Under public pressure for Irish natural resources to be used for the benefit of the Irish people, the Irish National Petroleum […]

Article Books

Review: Intermezzo by Sally Rooney 

On Tuesday 24th September, the latest novel by Sally Rooney, Intermezzo, hit the shelves in bookshops nationwide. The launch day saw queues in front of bookshops before they opened, and Rooney was in the media spotlight for her reiterated, unequivocal support for Palestine in a recent public appearance. Now used […]

Article International

Gaza One Year On

On 7th October 2024, we will see a year pass since Israel ramped up its genocide on the Palestinian people. As of the 26th of September, the death toll in Gaza has reached 42,252, according to Al Jazeera. While the Irish people have shown their support through the thousands taking […]

Article Ireland

A “Contented Majority”? 

US economist and diplomat John Kenneth Galbraith coined the phrase and concept of a “contented majority”. This “majority” he sees as being those in the western world who benefit from the current state of affairs, even if unevenly, and dominate politically producing a “culture of contentment”, showing disdain for those […]

Article Culture Play

Seán O’Casey 

Seán O’Casey was the first English-speaking dramatist of international significance to emerge from the proletariat. One of the recurring themes in his work is that of revolution. While in his early Dublin plays he controversially considered the Irish working class not yet ready for revolutionary change, his later works explore […]

Article Theory

Marxism and Ethics

Morality is meant to dictate that personal interests are not in conflict with social interests. Ethics form the framework within which people should act in a society. How does Marxism view moral principles?          Marx and Engels placed every moral principle in a historical context, not as an eternal principle […]