

Imperialism and Ukraine

The politics and complex history of eastern Europe are not the focus of the Western media’s attempt to explain the war in Ukraine. Instead the personality of Russia’s president is the focus. A latent Russophobia has existed since the end of the Cold War, supplemented in the past three decades […]

Imperialism International

What is the truth?

Quid est veritas? What is the truth? A question that has echoed down the centuries has increased relevance as we live through the greatest propaganda assault of all time. Western “news” media have mounted such a constant barrage of anti-Russian propaganda that it is almost impossible to hold an alternative […]

Imperialism International

The ugly face of war

All wars bring out the worst in humans. The war in Ukraine has shown us two ugly faces. One is the calamity of war itself; the other is racism. When European countries are welcoming Ukrainian refugees (with white skin and blue eyes) with open arms, the world also witnesses with […]


James Connolly Festival 2022

The James Connolly Festival is an annual, week-long series of events in radical arts, culture, and politics. It is a community-centred celebration of music, film, discussion and debate that brings together the ideas and thoughts of progressive and radical thinkers and organisations from around Ireland and beyond. Since the festival’s […]