Author: Gabriel Rosenstock

Article Current Affairs


Migration has become an issue in Irish politics, although the extent to which it influences voting preference is moot. Much of the discourse around migration consists of liberals condemning working class communities for questioning the effects of migration on their communities, the racist right blaming migrants for the social and […]

Culture Poetry

Poetry for the Many

Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey, OR Books, New York and London, 2023 Poetry for the Many is a remarkable publication by two prominent British socialists, Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey, whose public roles might not immediately suggest a foray into poetry. Corbyn and McCluskey are both well-known for their political […]

History Socialism

Long Live the November Revolution

Lenin said, “Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and the exploited” and November 7th is the Russian revolution day. The polyonymous revolution is called as October revolution or November revolution due to the change from the Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar which had a difference of 13 days. Every […]