It was the 8th of March in 1917, in the midst of World War I, when women workers took to the streets with the cry of “Peace, Land and Bread” and began the process of the Russian Revolution. Women have since remained at the forefront of the anti-war struggle, here […]
Tag: Solidarity
Irish communist solidarity with Cuba
In late January, the Communist Party of Ireland handed over €5,000 to the Cuban Ambassador to Ireland, Bernardo Guanche Hernández, as part of our ongoing solidarity work with the Cuban people and their revolution. The money was raised for medical solidarity with Cuba, as the illegal US blockade continues to […]
Lies, damned lies and surveys
This year’s Holocaust Memorial Day in Dublin was a memorable one, with President, Michael D Higgins accused of antisemitism by the Ambassador for Genocide, Dana Ehrlich and by members of “the Irish Jewish community”. The accusations were made because Higgins dared to say that the phrase “never again” also included […]
Do street protests work?
In the previous issue of Socialist Voice, Barry Murray asked a crucial tactical question: “Are street demonstrations working?”[1] What has been achieved for the cause of Palestinian liberation in more than a year of mass street demonstrations? Murray diagnoses a central educational issue in the movements coming together over the […]
Are Street Demonstrations Working?
Despite more than 12 months of demonstrations, millions marching, and other actions, we are not seriously rupturing the hegemony of the prosecutors of any imperialist wars or of those complicit in the present Palestinian genocide. The liberal approaches inherent in too many demonstrations have failed and were always destined to […]
Solidarity with Revolutionary Socialist Cuba
The Communist Party of Ireland stands with the Communist Party, the government and the people of Cuba as they continue to endure the devastating consequences of the ongoing illegal US blockade. Due to the current difficulty in sourcing energy, the Cuban government has been forced to temporarily shut down much […]
Recognition of Palestine State is victory of Irish People
The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the decision of the Irish government to recognise the State of Palestine. This decision by the Irish state to recognise the State of Palestine is the result of decades of demand and struggle, a struggle that has intensified since the invasion of Gaza in […]
May Day 2024 Statement
The Communist Party of Ireland sends May Day greetings to the Irish working class, to all anti-imperialist and progressive organisations, to the international Communist movement, to all those struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and native capitalism, and to those actively struggling to build socialism. In particular, we send greetings to the […]
Statement in Solidarity with LGBTQ+ Community
The rights of LGBTQI people are under attack, we have seen regressive moves across Europe the latest being Italy’s right-wing government ordering state agencies to cease registration of children born to same-sex couples and the retroactive cancellation and re-issuance of birth certificates of lesbian couples’ children, with only the gestational […]
Class solidarity between cultures
The far right has been pushing the belief that Ireland has an immigration issue, that immigrants are replacing the Irish. While this isn’t true, Ireland has a problem with immigrants—and that is, how they are treated. The highest non-Irish population is Polish; and the largest non-English language spoken is also […]
Working-class unity
Last month’s Socialist Voice had an article on “learning with the people.” The writer made the point about its content that “is anything being said that hasn’t been said a thousand times before? Almost certainly not.” While that may be true, it seems that it’s often forgotten. Socialist movements are […]
Solidarity forever!
The Industrial Relations Act (1990) was designed to control workers, and it attacked the trade union movement at its very core by making solidarity between workers illegal. This was done by restricting workers taking industrial action together, dividing work-places into separate grades, and banning support strikes. Solidarity is the foundation […]
Sanctions needed against the Israeli killing machine
While the world looks on at the proxy war between Russia and the United States taking place in Ukraine, in which the Russian and Ukrainian people suffer, the continuing ethnic cleansing takes place in occupied Palestine. The Ukrainian flag is ubiquitous in the West; what are the colours of the […]
The women of Iran have risen
The women of Iran have risen up, with cries of “Down with the dictator!” The catalyst has been the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old woman murdered at the hands of the Gasht-e Ershād (Guidance Patrol), otherwise known as the morality police. She was arrested on 13 September for […]
CPI participates in conference organised by CPC
At the end of July the Communist Party of Ireland participated in an on-line International Marxist Parties Forum organised by the Communist Party of China. The theme of the forum was “Adapting Marxism to the National Conditions and the Times of the 21st Century.” The CPI was represented by Eugene […]
A story of capitalist contradiction
This is an old story that is told in Marxist circles, still relevant, and never loses its novelty. It’s a conversation between a little girl and her mother during a cold winter evening in London when the father has not returned after going out in search of a job. The […]