Sleachta as saothar Ghabriel Rosenstock Extracts from the works of Gabriel Rosenstock Zuckerberg Zuckerberg Zuckerberg! Sliabh siúcra. An ordaíonn do shloinne dhuit an tseirbhe a fholú orainn? Ní searbh a bhí na déagóirí sin sular tháinís-se, tú féin is do chomlachtsa, Instagram, a d’fhág suaite faoina gcolainn féin iad. Mark, […]
Tag: Social Media
Social media immoderation
Modern on-line social media are a continuing large-scale social experiment as much as we want to consider them a norm of modern life.
Whenever the debate on the effects, drawbacks or benefits of on-line social media arises, there is always an attempt to draw analogies with physical social spaces, such as a public square or perhaps the village community centre.
Manipulation and the role of social media
Social media and Google serve three strategic purposes for the US government. Firstly, they allow the United States to conduct espionage; secondly, they facilitate the spread of disinformation; and thirdly, they serve as conduits for the transmission of social contagions.
Creating revolutionary mass media in a social-media world
“The purpose of our meeting today is precisely to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine as a component part, that they operate as powerful weapons for uniting and educating the people and for attacking and destroying the enemy, and that they help the people […]