By now most New Year’s resolutions, made with the best of intentions, have been broken. Most of these resolutions were wishes that took little account of the reality of our lifestyles. As a result, they were unachievable. In politics something similar happens. Many Irish people seek an alternative to capitalism […]
Tag: Lenin
Lenin 100 years on: a revolutionary life fulfilled
A hundred years have passed since the death of Lenin, the name used by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov since 1901. A hundred years is not a long period in historical sense, but a lot of water has flowed under the bridge in the meantime. The Russian Revolution, anti-colonial struggles, the rise […]
Krupskaya: Her revolutionary ideas and actions
Nadezhda Krupskaya and her accomplishments are often forgotten about and overshadowed by her husband, Vladimir Lenin. Krupskaya was a feminist, teacher and revolutionary who participated in the October Revolution and the building of socialism in the USSR. This year is the centenary of Lenin’s death, but while we celebrate him […]
Centenary of the death of V.I. Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, born in 1870, died 100 years ago on the 21st of January 1924. Lenin stands as an indomitable figure whose invaluable contributions to communist praxis, of putting theory into practice, remains an enduring cornerstone of revolutionary thought within the workers’ movement internationally. His profound insights, articulated in […]
The Carpet Weavers of Kuyan-Bulak Honour Lenin
1 Often and copiously honour has been doneTo Comrade Lenin. There are busts and statues. Cities are called after him, and children. Speeches are made in many languagesThere are meetings and demonstrationsFrom Shanghai to Chicago in Lenin’s honour. But this is how he was honoured byThe carpet weavers of Kuyan-BulakA […]
On the Centenary of the Death of Vladimir Lenin
… Once a fortnight the train comes through the Kuyan-Bulak railway station. …Then the whole of Kuyan-Bulak, Hare Spring in the local language, gathers on the platform. The cobbler Vasily Solntse and the community leader’s wife in an antediluvian smock, Semen Nikitish Trobka and the Red Army soldiers … Two […]
A Socialist Programme For Change
In notebook no. 4 from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, “The World in Economic Depression: A Marxist Analysis of Crisis”, Marxist economists, E. Ahmet Tonak and Sungur Savran state that the present state of capitalism can best be described as a Great Depression starting in 2008. They point out that […]
Lenin on the emancipation of women
Lenin once said that socialism alone would bring the emancipation of women, which Nadezhda Krupskaya, in the preface to The Emancipation of Women by Lenin, said “we see coming true.” However, while socialism and the changes it brings generally to the economic aspects of society are good for oppressed groups, […]
Militant we must be for 2023
There is no doubt that apathy has been a major problem among the working class for decades. Trade unions are far less active than they used to be, and the number of working days lost to strike action has collapsed since the early 1990s. The Industrial Relations Act (1990) in […]
The importance of political theory
Part 1 On the 14th of March we observed the 139th anniversary of Karl Marx’s death. Marx devoted much of his life to writing about the social and economic problems that plague the working class of the world, and his words still hold true more than a hundred years later. […]