Dear Editor, I refer to the closing of the Israeli embassy in Dublin and the outrageous comments from the Israeli foreign minister, a person who should be tried for crimes against humanity. I refer to a report from the United Nations concerning practices affecting human rights of the Palestinian people […]
Tag: Genocide
Gaza and the War Addiction of the Imperialist Class
We are in a pivotal moment in the global anti-war movement. Not since the Iraq war and the start of the so-called “global war on terror” have we seen so many people actively engaged in direct action, political education, boycotts and sustained protest. Rarely, if ever, has the racism and […]
Apocalypse Now: Gaza
Just imagine for a moment what a post-nuclear-apocalyptic holocaust might look like. A destroyed landscape. People wandering the streets, in a state of post-traumatic shock. No shelter, no clean water, no food. Just the clothes on their backs and the shoes on their feet. Distraught children mystified by their new […]