Are we are now seeing a different side of Donald Trump? Is this to be the no-nonsense bringer of peace to Eastern Europe. The man who will end the NATO-led proxy war against Russia. There can be little doubt that the US president has dramatically altered the situation vis-a-vis Ukraine […]
Tag: China
Trump Election: A triumph for corporate USA
In spite of the extensive coverage of Trump’s storming arrival in the Oval Office, there remains a certain complacency in Ireland and elsewhere about what this presidency means. With the balance of power in the world changing away from the USA’s total control, there is now a question as to […]
China’s Saudi Bond Sale: A Re-dollarization Strategy Emerges?
Recently China made a bond sale in Saudi Arabia. While perhaps not particularly notable on the surface, if we dig a little deeper, we can see some signs of China’s broader geopolitical goals being played out. China has long called for a global system of cooperation, based on the UN […]
Trump World
The election last month of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America has received extensive media coverage. Much of the reporting has, understandably, focused on the individual and his idiosyncratic, even eccentric behaviour. How did such an unconventional character manage to persuade a majority of Americans to […]
BRICS and Imperialism
Since at least the final stages of World War II, the United States has sought to achieve global hegemony through the unrestrained use of its economic and military might. Constrained for several decades by the presence of socialist states, the demise of the Soviet Union appeared to give the American […]
For the People – CPI Delegation to China
The Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) recently had the opportunity of joining the Friends of Socialist China in a delegation to the People’s Republic of China. The visit took in Beijing as well as several cities in Zhejiang and Jilin provinces. Much of the visit focused on the founding mission […]
The Emergence of the Petroyuan: Towards a new Global Currency
Almost a year ago, President Xi Jinping made a historic visit to Riyadh, followed by several landmark deals. Trade between the two reached $106bn in 2022 – almost double the value of Saudi Arabian-US trade. Recently, the central banks of China and Saudi Arabia have agreed on their first currency […]
Multipolarity and the BRICS
A current fashion within the left is the championing of multipolarity. It assumes a bloc of states in different countries, some with more mixed economies than others, as objectively “anti-imperialist” insofar as they present a threat to the American hegemon. Some of this interpretation is jaundiced, especially when one considers […]
The East is still Red
■ Carlos Martinez, The East Is Still Red (Glasgow: Praxis Press, 2023) The East Is Still Red is a very readable and able defence of the current People’s Republic of China. The basic argument of the book is that China is on the right path with regard to building socialism, […]
Neutrality is at stake
The threat to completely abandon what remains of Irish neutrality is a continuing and increasing one. The recent intervention of President Higgins may have slowed down Micheál Martin’s march to NATO, but the threat remains. Rather than applying for NATO membership immediately, the ruling class have set their sights as […]
On Chips
On 15 May 2023, an interview with the French ambassador in Ireland titled “Ireland must ‘pull its weight’ on increasing defence” was published in The Irish Examiner. Most of the interview focuses on the perceived need for the European Union to reduce its industrial and energy dependence on other global […]
Dollar Dominance
A recent article in Socialist Voice – entitled “Multipolarity and US Hegemony” – suggests that U.S. imperialism drives dollar dominance and that the dollar can only weaken by the political actions of countries like China. However, the risk to dollar dominance is unlikely to be determined in the last instance […]
Imperialism and Taiwan
The recent visit of the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan has sharply increased the prospect of war in the region. The Chinese government and people strongly believe Taiwan to be their territory; and the no. 3 official in the US government visiting Taiwan is […]
What is the purpose of Seanad Éireann?
Does anybody know what real purpose Seanad Éireann serves? Not only is its membership appointed by a flawed and undemocratic process but its programme is erratic and tendentious and frequently overlooks crucial issues. Little illustrates this better than its agenda last month. While giving prejudicial vent to its hostility towards […]
Complex struggle over simplified characters
Already the big intellectual guns of US imperialism—powerful professors and leading editorial writers—are being hauled out to tell us that there will not be a “new cold war” with China. Someone should have told the lackeys that their masters have actually increased the pace of the military, economic and ideological […]
In support of sovereignty
The dog-whistle calls of “Freedom for Cuba” that reverberated round the world on 11 July, emanating from a mix of forces in Cuba, which were carefully manipulated and crafted by the CIA and US anti-Cuban forces abroad, shed a great deal of light not only on US foreign policy hypocrisy […]