
History Latest Socialism

What do we mean by Socialism?

By now most New Year’s resolutions, made with the best of intentions, have been broken. Most of these resolutions were wishes that took little account of the reality of our lifestyles. As a result, they were unachievable. In politics something similar happens. Many Irish people seek an alternative to capitalism […]

History Socialism

Long Live the November Revolution

Lenin said, “Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and the exploited” and November 7th is the Russian revolution day. The polyonymous revolution is called as October revolution or November revolution due to the change from the Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar which had a difference of 13 days. Every […]

Article History Socialism

The August Revolution 

On 19th August 1945 the Viet Minh, led by the Indochinese Communist Party, which would later become the Communist Party of Vietnam, took over the capital city of Vietnam, Hanoi. Within two weeks, Viet Minh forces liberated most of the villages and rural towns across north and central Vietnam. Describing […]

Article History Socialism

James Baldwin 

James Baldwin was born one hundred years ago in Harlem, New York, 2 August 1924. Baldwin’s stepfather David, a Pentecostal preacher, was a factory worker, earning too little to provide for his family of nine children. His mother Berdis, a migrant from the South, worked in domestic service. The young […]