The results of the General election has brought to the surface some of the issues and concerns of working people
within this state. The problems of housing, rent, health, pension age and the capacity of working people to make
ends meet moved up the political agenda.
Consternation among the elite
That the agents of imperialism and the ruling elite everywhere weaponise information is nothing new. Two thousand years ago Augustus Caesar had supporters paint salacious and damaging stories about his enemies on the walls of Rome.
CYM celebrates its 50th anniversary
In 2015 delegates from two Irish cities made their way to East Essex Street in Dublin to conduct the Connolly Youth Movement’s annual congress. In 2018, delegates from three cities convened on Cork for the same purpose. In 2020, delegates, for the first time from branches established in six different cities, will congregate in Belfast
The origins of the climate crisis
The origins of the climate crisis – Joe FlemingDownload Out of the green fields of southern England, in the same century in which Shakespeare penned his pastoral comedies and the Tudors initiated a new phase of Ireland’s conquest, a novel form of economics arose. A terrible force, only nascent, long […]
Opinion – Why communists support trans rights
Why does supporting trans liberation attack rather than defend gender roles and stereotypes? As Marxists we must provide a materialist understanding of trans people to understand how to fight against our patriarchal society. Trans liberation as class struggle First, we should examine what the conditions of trans people are today. […]
How can we defeat fascism?
The Communist International defined fascism as “the open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital.”
Fascism arose from capitalism’s need to solve the crises it itself created
The Earth System and the capitalist system are incompatible
In nature, many complex processes must occur to guarantee the sustainability of life. The earth itself is a system of interaction between the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place within it. Within the Earth System, which consists of the land, seas, atmosphere, and poles, we find many natural […]
Vampire capitalism
It’s hard not to believe the end is nigh when the buying and selling of blood turns out to be one of America’s booming industries. The life-saving act of blood donation in Ireland operates on a voluntary basis, besides the odd celebratory pin, and people are expected to give out […]
The crisis of late imperialism
Understanding imperialism is vital to our understanding of the world today, enabling us to chart a path forward to tackle the environmental crisis and to move humanity towards a system of equality and common ownership—socialism. Unfortunately, many on the left either reject the existence of imperialism in favour of a […]
Signs of the next economic crisis
Over the past two months we’ve been reminded constantly about the supposed health of our economy. Unfortunately, things are not as healthy as cherry-picked statistics might suggest—as anybody looking for a hospital bed or a home can clearly see. We’re highly vulnerable as a small, open economy to the vagaries […]
A grieving woman resolves to liberate Ireland
The most famous, fabled and fêted Irish filí (poets) are male. The reasons lie clearly in patriarchal class society. All the more reason for us to seek out the female representatives of a skill that in the old Irish days was associated with prophesying or “seeing,” in fact the Irish […]
A huge loss Henry Dent (1956–2019)
Comrades have been saddened by the death of Henry Dent, a former secretary of Dublin District CPI. For many years Henry was a frequent and characteristic participant on Dublin marches and demonstrations for every progressive cause. He also staffed Connolly Books in a voluntary capacity from time to time. Henry, […]
Universal public housing the only way forward
Eoin Ó Broin, Home: Why Public Housing Is the Answer (Dublin: Merrion Press, 2020). Much like its author, Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on housing, Home is a very nice and pleasant book. However, given the context of an ever-increasing homelessness crisis, it falls short of providing a truly transformative solution to […]
There are no shortcuts
Over the course of the general election campaign it was clear that a general feeling of bewilderment and boredom, in equal measure, was the reaction of many working families to the talking heads pontificating on television and radio in trying to interpret or reinterpret what a political party said or meant to say
Letter: “Auschwitz Untold” stayed that way
On 26 and 27 January, More4tv broadcast a two-part documentary called “Auschwitz Untold: In colour.” In at least one respect the word “untold” is a perfect description of the story of the liberation of Auschwitz as far as the role of the Soviet army is concerned. The documentary ended with […]
We have an invigorated working class ready to do battle with the state
THE TRADE UNION Left Forum launched its Workers’ Rights Campaign in Dublin last month. The campaign is centred on the abolition of the Industrial Relations Act (1990) and all anti-union legislation, to be replaced with a Fair Employment Act that would guarantee— 1 the right to union access