

POETRY: Crossroads

CrossroadsIreland during the Civil War, 1922–23by Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh (1874–1957)Translated from the Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock How mysterious, this road ahead, Behind me, a road of desolation. Roads to the left and the right of me— Whither now, Lord of Creation? My feet can hardly carry me, Empty hands, my […]

Current Affairs

James Connolly Festival, 2022

In 2022 the James Connolly Festival returned to in-person meetings following disruptions forced upon us through covid restrictions over the past two years. Nearly all events attracted a full house, and this year the festival consolidated itself as an important cultural and political event in the Irish political calendar. The […]

Housing Ireland

Housing and the Irish state

The recent announcement that the state plans to allow local councils to buy homes in order to house refugees from Ukraine is another example of the class interests responsible for the present housing “crisis.”  In reality there are more than enough housing units—90,158 vacant dwellings in 2021, according to the […]

Campaigns Housing

Housing must be a public good

On Wednesday 13 April residents of the Devanny housing estates held a protest in their area and expressed their continued anger at Dublin City Council and the planners involved in this quango as these bodies seek to privatise more public lands. There was a good turn-out by residents, local political […]

Socialism Theory

The importance of science

Comrade Carroll (Socialist Voice, April) provides an excellent analysis of the role of theory. However, a few points of addition. The concern with Marxism is perhaps not so much theory but science. A central claim of Marxism is that it is scientific. Characterising science is its method: the systematic study […]