Getting off the bus in O’Connell Street, considered the main street in Dublin, can be a shock for tourists and people new to the city alike. In between the new hotels and shopping centres, the decay in the older buildings is clearly visible, which is sad for such an otherwise […]
Housing for the future
The weekend before Christmas the European Union reached a deal on their “fit for 55” plans, a policy that aims to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide in the EU by at least 55 per cent in 2030 relative to 2005. To accomplish this, the EU has set up a […]
Militant we must be for 2023
There is no doubt that apathy has been a major problem among the working class for decades. Trade unions are far less active than they used to be, and the number of working days lost to strike action has collapsed since the early 1990s. The Industrial Relations Act (1990) in […]
“I’m a Marxist who believes in God”
Since the rise of early capitalism, the working people’s quest for liberation and equality for all—including the right to a life in peace—not only for the evolving bourgeois class, has been on the agenda and frequently been framed in religious terms. Translations of the Bible from Latin into the vernacular […]
Alaa Abdelfatah should be free
Alaa Abdelfatah is a revolutionary hero and a symbol of the struggle against oppression and injustice in Egypt. He played a crucial role in the revolution of 25 January, which led to the removal of the capitalistic government and the establishment of a more democratic and egalitarian society. Born and […]
Britain’s role in Palestine and Ireland
105 years of the Balfour Declaration Despite Britain’s current state of political turmoil, with three very different Conservative prime ministers in the same year, there seems to be one constant: they all give unwavering support to Israel in its attempts to crush the Palestinian people. But that should be no […]
“Avatar” and eco-socialism
“Avatar” in Hindu mythology means reincarnation. A sequel to the film of that name was released internationally on 15 December. The earlier part had mountains as the battlefield between “sky people” and the natives; this time it is the ocean. It is an interesting film at a time when Elon […]
“Totalitarianism”: An anti-communist theory
■ From Manifest, monthly paper of the New Communist Party of the Netherlands,¹ translated and edited by Miranda Lynch. Anti-communism is an essential part of the prevailing ideology under capitalism. It is of great importance to the bourgeoisie that the oppressed class does not see communism as an alternative. This […]
Socialist lawyers are organising
For the first time in the history of the state, socialist lawyers are organising. Trainee solicitors in the Law School in Dublin have formed the Blackhall Society of Socialist Lawyers, and they are looking for barristers, solicitors, legal academics and law students to join a national network of radical lawyers. […]
Three tanka by a radical American writer
Three bilingual tanka (5-7-5-7-7 syllables) by Gabriel Rosenstock “Kerouac 1” was written in response to a seldom-cited socialist manifesto by Jack Kerouac (1922–1969), novelist and haiku master: “Shorter hours will provide the labourer with a new desire to live, not to be a productive animal, but to have time to […]
Modern McCarthyism and anti-Palestinian racism
In an open letter, 170 British artists reacted angrily to the withdrawal of the European Drama Prize from Caryl Churchill: We are appalled that the Lifetime Achievement Prize awarded to playwright Caryl Churchill for the European Drama Prize 2022 has been rescinded by the jury of the Schauspiel Stuttgart, on […]
The state has failed the homeless
As we approach the middle of winter the number of homeless people in Ireland climbs above 10,000, more than 3,000 of whom are children. The number of homeless people has grown by 2,593 since august 2021 and by 237 since July this year. In whose interest is it to […]
Writers salute the legacy of Tomás Mac Síomóin
Tribute was paid to the life and work of the late comrade and writer Tomás Mac Síomóin at a commemorative event organised by Aontas na Scríbhneoirí in conjunction with the festival IMRAM in the Writers’ Centre, Dublin, last month. The evening was themed “File agus Fear Conspóide / Poet […]
Trouble for tech capitalism
Last month the social media giants Twitter and Meta (Facebook) announced widespread layoffs. They join Coinbase, which fired 18 per cent of its staff in June, part of a trend of technology companies freezing the hiring or sacking of employees. The technology industry is in dire straits. However, these […]
Seeing the achievements of the Cuban Revolution
Last month the 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties was held in Havana. During the week, exchanges were made between 73 different communist and workers’ parties from 53 countries and a unified plan of action and resolution were agreed, including a unanimous call to action against and condemnation […]
Wrongful imprisonment of an Irish communist
In November 2022 it was fifty years since the wrongful imprisonment of Noel Jenkinson, an Irish communist sentenced to life imprisonment, with little or no evidence against him other than his left-wing political beliefs. The charge against him was the Official IRA bomb explosion at the headquarters of the […]