
Ireland Opinion

On the Labour Party

The Labour Party contains many good members. There are plenty of genuine left-wingers in the Labour Party in Ireland today; however, those people are not leading the party. The Labour Party has not been committed to a genuine socialist republic since Connolly was shot and Larkin went off to America, […]

International Opinion

Multipolarity and the BRICS

A current fashion within the left is the championing of multipolarity. It assumes a bloc of states in different countries, some with more mixed economies than others, as objectively “anti-imperialist” insofar as they present a threat to the American hegemon. Some of this interpretation is jaundiced, especially when one considers […]

Opinion Socialism

Working-class unity

Last month’s Socialist Voice had an article on “learning with the people.” The writer made the point about its content that “is anything being said that hasn’t been said a thousand times before? Almost certainly not.” While that may be true, it seems that it’s often forgotten. Socialist movements are […]


Militant we must be for 2023

There is no doubt that apathy has been a major problem among the working class for decades. Trade unions are far less active than they used to be, and the number of working days lost to strike action has collapsed since the early 1990s. The Industrial Relations Act (1990) in […]

International Opinion

There is a better way

Recently I had the good fortune to travel to the United States for a week. It was, to say the least, an eye-opener.      Among the grandeur of the superwealth that I witnessed in New York I saw sights that for me were emotionally draining and shocking.      I went […]


Another blind alley

If the old adage that “you can know a man by the company he keeps” is true, then it seems the New Connolly Youth Movement is in a very confused place. On 18 June the New CYM attended the gathering of the Belfast-based Unity group, which has “reconstituted” itself as […]