Venezuela held regional elections on 15 October, electing governors in the twenty-three states. What was reported in the corporate media was that the opposition denounced the results as fraudulent, as did the governments of the United States, France, and Canada. The opposition has cried “fraud” every time it has lost […]
Unity is strength
Artificial barriers of religion and politics have been used down through the years to divide our people. In the North in 1932 there was a time when there was total unity of the working class. This was during the outdoor relief (social assistance) strike, when Catholic and Protestant workers united […]
No united Ireland under imperialism
Can a strategy for a united Ireland within the EU be a realistic goal while maintaining the three core tenets of socialism and republicanism, namely independence, sovereignty, and democracy? Not for the first time in Socialist Voice is it argued that, far from being the saviour and moderniser of the […]
The next crisis—when, not if
We cannot ignore the recent election result in Germany. What happens in the most powerful and influential state in Europe west of Russia must interest us all, as inevitably it will have an impact in Ireland and elsewhere. Moreover, while the electoral success of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AFD) […]
Standing in front of a mural of Oscar Romero
Táim im’ sheasamh os comhair múrphictiúr I’m standing in front of a mural d’Oscar Romero Of Oscar Romero Deirtear go bhfuil deich milliún duine neamhurchóideach They say America killed ten million innocents Maraithe ag na Meiriceánaigh ó dheireadh an Dara Cogadh Domhanda Since the end of World War II Caithfidh […]
Essential to break with the EU and the euro
The recent proposals by the British government regarding a possible border between the British state and the European Union expose how marginal the interests of the Irish people are in relation to the negotiations now under way. The terms of Britain’s relations with the EU will be decided between Britain […]
Encouraging signs of growing unity
A recent feature in the Financial Times might cause some surprise among Ireland’s eight thousand homeless, or the many others struggling with the spiralling cost of renting even modest accommodation. The article reported that the Republic is now enjoying one of the most remarkable economic revivals the European Union has […]
The imperialist world order Eoghan O’Neill No sound, sight nor smell do we encounter Away from the lands where they bring man’s thunder Propaganda, intervention, mercenary spies Where indiscriminate carnage falls from above Humanity despairs as the West spreads lies Wrapped in white helmets and perfect white doves All to […]
Google censors the internet
Amid all the hysteria about “fake news,” as reported by the corporate and state media (i.e. the actual purveyors of fake news for the last century or more), a significant piece of news about Google, the giant near-monopoly internet corporation, slipped by unreported or, if reported, unexamined. In September 2016 […]
Human rights advocate or anti-democratic agent?
Liu Xiaobo, a winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace for his opposition to the Chinese state, died on 17 July 2017. Since his death, Western media have been publishing the usual laudatory obituaries given to those “human rights activists” who, coincidentally, have views aligning with imperialist foreign policy. The […]
Thoughts on ideology
The ideas that reflect the objective interests of a class are its ideology. The ruling class in any society imprints its ideology on “mainstream” thinking, as expressed in all the official opinions of the state—in politics, economics, philosophy, art, religion, and so on. As it expresses the interests of the […]
Brexit: bordering on the ridiculous
The continuing drip feed from the Brexit negotiations on the future of the border between the two parts of our country, and the inability to do anything about it, illustrate the total lack of sovereignty we have as members of the imperial club. We may be members, yet we are […]