Over two issues of Socialist Voice (January and March 2018) there were two articles that explained the capitalist illusion that perpetuates the class division in society. A great deception has allowed a tiny minority of the world’s population to own and control the vast majority of wealth that is created, […]
Time to examine the American connection
Some years ago an American friend had a nasty accident while visiting Belfast. Looking to his left, he stepped into the roadway, was struck by a car, and suffered a broken leg. This man was a responsible adult, but his lived experience in New York had caused him to look […]
European integration versus democracy
The European Union continues to push forward with deeper integration, as that is the economic and political imperative of European big business. The EU Commission continues to promote its strategy of deepening integration. It has proposed a finance minister for the euro zone and transforming the European Stability Mechanism, which […]
Polluting the skies over Bray
The British military’s recruiting squadron The Bray War Show has gleefully announced that the British air force Red Arrows will strut their stuff over the skies of Bray, and probably Dublin, this July. The organisers of this war show forgot to mention that only last month, on 19 March, a […]
International Women’s Day security breach at Shannon Warport
The indomitable Raging Grannies outwitted the usual flank of steel at Shannon Airport by simply entering the terminal as travellers, complete with abundant luggage. First they sat down to enjoy a coffee, before springing into life, pulling their usual No to war, US out of Shannon placards from their suitcases, […]
A continuation of subversion
In late March 2018 the president of the United States, Donald Trump, authorised a $20 million fund to support subversive actions against Cuba. The move, which is part of the permanent anti-Cuba policy, came after Trump himself had proposed eliminating such funds in May 2017. The money is specifically for […]
Creating a bogeyman in the East
Four days before the British general election of October 1924 the Daily Mail published a letter purporting to have been written by the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, Grigory Zinoviev. The paper claimed that the correspondence revealed a Bolshevik plot to plunge Britain into civil war, and […]
What a parcel of rogues in a nation!
On 3 February a NATO submarine, part of the Dutch fleet, docked in Cork Harbour. While it was moored there, a Dutch seaman stood “guard” on the submarine, brazenly brandishing an automatic weapon. This was an exact repeat of a similar incident in 2017. The Gardaí refused to intervene, and […]
Shattering the illusion
The January issue of Socialist Voice had an article by me entitled “The wage system and the capitalist illusion.” A worker being told they are getting their equivalent wage relating to their work is being held captive by an illusion that in reality leads to a non-equivalent exchange, which is […]
The Imperial Cup Final: EU v. UK?
Let’s make no mistake about it: despite the merry-go-round of posturing in the Brexit negotiations, it is and always was two imperial powers locked in a phoney war of position; and the concerns of Irish citizens are of little interest to either Britain or the EU. The interests of the […]
Even more US bombs dropped on Afghanistan (with a lot of help from Ireland)
At the end of last year the US Air Force had dropped about three times as many bombs on Afghanistan as in 2016. New statistics show that by the end of October there had already been 3,554 “fired weapons.” Over the past year they had registered 1,337 munitions drops. The […]
Educational peace project proposed for schools
A number of peace activists and groups have come together to promote an educational project in national and secondary schools entitled “Fly Kites, Not Drones / Eitleoga Seachas Dróin.” The initiative was first launched in Britain by a number of organisations, including the Catholic Church’s Pax Christi and the Society […]
National Day of Action against US Wars at Home and Abroad
Resolution of the Conference on US Foreign Military Bases, held at Learning Commons Town Hall, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, 12–14 January 2018 WHEREAS the United States has been in a state of perpetual war and has been using its unrivalled military might in every corner of the world to […]
But we’re still neutral!
In its electronic newsletter in mid-December the web site German Foreign Policy (german-foreign-policy.com) reports on the launch of the European Union’s new “Military Union” strategy. The report states: “The German Government has announced that the EU Military Union will be officially launched this Monday, with the EU Council formally adopting […]
The American way of war
Lenin wrote Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism in 1916 to address an issue that had been raised by J. A. Hobson and Rudolf Hilferding in their works about the changing nature of capitalism towards the end of the nineteenth century. Lenin recognised that the war then taking place was […]
The road to Damascus
In 2007 General Wesley Clarke revealed the Pentagon’s post-9/11 plan to overthrow “seven countries in five years: Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” In the 7 October edition of the Tory Spectator, J. R. Bradley outlined the now failed plot against Syria: “our cynical […]