Recognition of Palestine State is victory of Irish People

The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the decision of the Irish government to recognise the State of Palestine. This decision by the Irish state to recognise the State of Palestine is the result of decades of demand and struggle, a struggle that has intensified since the invasion of Gaza in October 2023 by Israel. This is a victory for the Irish people who have kept the establishment’s feet to the fire, forcing this action upon them. The credit for this decision belongs to the people, not the political establishment.

However, while welcoming the decision, we believe that it will remain an empty gesture unless the government takes active measures to back up their words with deeds. Recognising the State of Palestine is the minimum that the government could have taken. Therefore, we call on the Irish government to immediately;

  • Enact the “Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories)” Bill.
  • End the export of “dual-use” goods to Israel.
  • Halt all US military flights through Shannon Airport. The US military uses Shannon as a transit point to send weapons to Israel which are used on the civilian population of Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.  

We further call on the Irish government to sever all diplomatic, cultural and economic links with Israel and to campaign for the complete isolation of the Israeli regime.

The Irish people, north and south of the British-imposed border, know too well the violence associated with colonialism and imperialism. The Irish people took up arms against colonial rule when the British government ignored the democratic will of the Irish people in 1918 and supressed all peaceful protest. 

We stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Palestine in their struggle for national liberation.