Tag: Socialism

History Socialism

What do we mean by Socialism?

By now most New Year’s resolutions, made with the best of intentions, have been broken. Most of these resolutions were wishes that took little account of the reality of our lifestyles. As a result, they were unachievable. In politics something similar happens. Many Irish people seek an alternative to capitalism […]

Ireland Opinion

On the Labour Party

The Labour Party contains many good members. There are plenty of genuine left-wingers in the Labour Party in Ireland today; however, those people are not leading the party. The Labour Party has not been committed to a genuine socialist republic since Connolly was shot and Larkin went off to America, […]

Ireland Political Statements Politics

Statement on the outcome of the 2024 General Election in the 26 Counties

The outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities. Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy which sees the Irish government unable […]

Political Statements

May Day 2024 Statement

The Communist Party of Ireland sends May Day greetings to the Irish working class, to all anti-imperialist and progressive organisations, to the international Communist movement, to all those struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and native capitalism, and to those actively struggling to build socialism. In particular, we send greetings to the […]