Investigating an Economic Alternative, Part 3 In the previous two articles a case for public ownership has been made based on the economic and social benefits of taking key industries into public ownership[1]. In this article we will explore the theme of democracy and the deepening of democratic principles through […]
Tag: Socialism
To Further the case for Public Monopolies: Democratising the Economy
Investigating an Economic Alternative Part 2 Following on from last month’s article[1] we delve deeper into the transformative potential of public monopolies[2] and the role of cross-subsidisation in building an economy for the common good. The ideological dogma of free-market capitalism has long upheld private enterprise as the pinnacle of […]
What do we mean by Socialism?
By now most New Year’s resolutions, made with the best of intentions, have been broken. Most of these resolutions were wishes that took little account of the reality of our lifestyles. As a result, they were unachievable. In politics something similar happens. Many Irish people seek an alternative to capitalism […]
Public versus Private Monopolies – Investigating an Alternative
The Illusion of Competition: Why Capitalism Breeds Inefficiency Capitalism, in its idealised form, is built upon the foundation of perfect competition. Orthodox economic models envision a utopia where countless small firms vie for market share, prices reflect the marginal cost of production, and resources flow seamlessly to their most efficient […]
On the Labour Party
The Labour Party contains many good members. There are plenty of genuine left-wingers in the Labour Party in Ireland today; however, those people are not leading the party. The Labour Party has not been committed to a genuine socialist republic since Connolly was shot and Larkin went off to America, […]
New Year’s Statement 2025
The Communist Party of Ireland sends revolutionary greetings to Ireland’s working class, family farmers, students and apprentices, and to all those forces fighting to create a better future for our people. The coming year will see continued attacks upon the living standards of our class and further degradation of health […]
Statement on the outcome of the 2024 General Election in the 26 Counties
The outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities. Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy which sees the Irish government unable […]
Statement on General Election
The forthcoming General Election takes place in the context of multiple crises, such as rising prices, rising rents, and homelessness. The health system is operating beyond all capacity, with excessive waiting times for GP appointments, in A&E departments, over-crowded hospitals, and people waiting years to be referred to a specialist. […]
Resilience and Marginalisation in Post-Unification Germany
based on an interview with Karl Döring The unification of Germany in 1990 initially inspired hope but quickly descended into chaos for many in the former GDR. As someone who experienced this transition firsthand, I witnessed the upheaval caused by the shift from a planned economy to a market-driven system. […]
Solidarity with Revolutionary Socialist Cuba
The Communist Party of Ireland stands with the Communist Party, the government and the people of Cuba as they continue to endure the devastating consequences of the ongoing illegal US blockade. Due to the current difficulty in sourcing energy, the Cuban government has been forced to temporarily shut down much […]
May Day 2024 Statement
The Communist Party of Ireland sends May Day greetings to the Irish working class, to all anti-imperialist and progressive organisations, to the international Communist movement, to all those struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and native capitalism, and to those actively struggling to build socialism. In particular, we send greetings to the […]
Laos and the building of socialism
The Lao Peoples Democratic Republic came into being in 1975, after a decade of relentless US bombing against the Lao, Vietnamese, and Cambodian peoples. Laos is per capita the most bombed country in the world. 10% of its population were killed directly by US bombs and a similar number left […]
The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour
The trade union movement, north and south, is at a significant crossroads where it can choose to struggle, fight, grow and raise the expectations and consciousness of our class and with our class, or it can choose to be further incorporated into the structures of Imperialism. With changing demographics and […]
Until we Fall: Long Distance life on the left by Helena Sheehan
Until we Fall: Long Distance life on the left is a fascinating and sometimes inspiring account of decades of political engagement. The words Until We Fall distil the essence of six chapters into three words. Until We Fall suggests a commitment that is unwavering and a purpose all consuming. Anyone […]
Capitalism’s “good name” is being damaged!
The Tory Housing Secretary Michael Gove has said that Kingspan Insulation in Cavan is “giving capitalism a bad name.” (Irish News, Sat 20th January 2024). Really! He went on to say that Kingspan is trying to “minimise their involvement” in regards to their insulation materials being used in the cladding […]
New Year’s Message from the Communist Party of Ireland
The Communist Party of Ireland sends New Year’s greetings to the Irish working class, to all those struggling against capitalism and imperialism, and to all those engaged in building a socialist alternative to capitalism. The new year begins with no end in sight to the ongoing Zionist genocide in Palestine […]