Investigating an Economic Alternative, Part 3 In the previous two articles a case for public ownership has been made based on the economic and social benefits of taking key industries into public ownership[1]. In this article we will explore the theme of democracy and the deepening of democratic principles through […]
Tag: public ownership
To Further the case for Public Monopolies: Democratising the Economy
Investigating an Economic Alternative Part 2 Following on from last month’s article[1] we delve deeper into the transformative potential of public monopolies[2] and the role of cross-subsidisation in building an economy for the common good. The ideological dogma of free-market capitalism has long upheld private enterprise as the pinnacle of […]
Capitalism is killing the planet
Before the Industrial Revolution, human activity did not create new, global environmental conditions that could translate into a fundamentally different stratigraphic signal. Since then, however, the exploration of coal, oil and gas, in particular, has enabled worldwide industrialisation, construction, and mass transport, producing a wide range of changes that leave […]
The great housing robbery
The mantra “You need to own your own house” or to “get on the property ladder” has great appeal in the Irish psyche. Young couples will queue outside building sites for days to get their “dream home.” While they wait, and it makes the evening news, the original price of […]
Understanding People’s Korea
Anybody who thinks they’re an expert on North Korea is either a liar or a fool. Every so often the media go into a frenzy in reporting the latest news story about the country, playing up its eccentricities. Time and again North Korean officials who were supposedly executed will turn […]
Covid-19 and the global economy
Is coronavirus the problem? Over the course of the next few years we will hear the same excuse over and over again. The social and economic crises we are experiencing the first moments of will be levelled at the feet of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.1 Like all great lies […]