Previous Articles


Film Review: No stone unturned?

No Stone Unturned (2017) is a documentary film about the Loughinisland massacre, directed by Alex Gibney. For those unaware of what happened in Loughinisland or, like me, who were born after the events took place, the two-hour documentary is well worth watching; and for those who remember the events well […]

Imperialism International

A continuation of subversion

In late March 2018 the president of the United States, Donald Trump, authorised a $20 million fund to support subversive actions against Cuba. The move, which is part of the permanent anti-Cuba policy, came after Trump himself had proposed eliminating such funds in May 2017. The money is specifically for […]

Political Economy

Universal basic fraud

“Universal basic income” is being suggested by many on the left, as well as the right, as a solution to world inequality and poverty. It’s been doing the rounds for a number of years now as a way of creating a fairer and more equal society. It has been tested […]


Let’s produce essential drugs for all

We are awash with pharmaceutical companies in Ireland. Some of the high-end jobs are well paid, and that should be welcomed. But the global pharmaceutical industry provides one of the strongest illustrations of how the profit motive can misdirect humanity’s creativity and badly miscalculate resources, something we are all familiar […]

Political Statements

Profits before people, and the environment

Privatised refuse collection The privatisation of refuse collection is a complete failure. The CPI has called for all domestic refuse collection, including recyclable materials, to be brought back under public control and the responsibility of local authorities. It has been reported by Panda, one of the largest waste companies, that […]

Housing Political Statements

Housing is a right for all

Universal public housing available to all is the only lasting solution to the housing crisis. The latest homelessness figures should be shocking and sickening for a civilised society. However, in modern Ireland they are just the latest in a long line of failures by this Government and its neo-liberal housing […]


James Connolly Festival, 2018

The James Connolly Festival (from Wednesday 9 May to Sunday 13 May 2018), now in its fourth year, is an annual community-centred celebration of music, films, theatre, and debate, with a radical twist. Since its foundation in 2014 the festival has aimed to bring together friends and supporters, critics and […]