Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 28 February 2021 The scenes in Dublin city centre yesterday [Saturday 27 February] should come as no surprise to anyone. The reactions to the violence of the state were as could be expected, as were the weasel words of condemnation by establishment politicians. […]
Political Statements
Work, mental health, and the disease of neoliberalism
Part 2 ■ Part 1 of this article was published in the February issue. What model of human does neoliberalism encourage? Neoliberalism sees Darwinian competition as the defining characteristic of human relations. It redefines citizens as consumers, whose democratic choices are best exercised by buying and selling. It maintains that […]
Statement on CPI – CYM Relations
Over the recent period a serious rupture in the longstanding political relationship between the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) and the Connolly Youth Movement (CYM) has taken place when…
New “Programme for Government”: a new three-party government with the same old policies
Statement by the National Executive Committee, CPI 11 June 2020 The formation of the three-party coalition government in Dublin, and their agreement on a “programme for government,” is a case of more of the same—a continuation of the same old polices that favour the rich and powerful, policies that are […]
The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Impact On Women
Amidst all the health problems and upheaval that is taking place resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic the Communist Party of Ireland points out that it is easy to overlook the specific distress that thousands of women are suffering in their own homes. Lockdown, being experienced by our people across the […]
Workers of all countries, unite!
May Day message by the Communist Party of Ireland
Nationalise all private hospitals – One all-Ireland public health service
The covid-19 pandemic now sweeping the globe has exposed the underlying weaknesses and inequalities in many societies, particularly here in Ireland. Global debt stands at $250 trillion, with corporate debt already enormous, while trillions of dollars are swirling round in stock markets and in tax havens, stashed away by powerful […]
One Ireland, One Solution, One All-Ireland Constitution
The CPI expressed its solidarity with all those affected and who will be affected by this growing health crisis, and to the health staff and emergency services in the front line. The health services across the country from Belfast to Cork are wholly inadequate, having experienced over a decade of harsh austerity cuts, bed closures, lack of investment, staff shortages and the prioritisation of private corporate medicine over a decent well-funded public health system.
The blood of thousands is on their hands
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland4 January 2020 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the working people of both Iraq and Iran at this extremely critical moment in the life of their nations. The actions of US imperialism in the Middle East and most recently in […]
Welcome for change in abortion law
DESPITE A last-ditch attempt by unionist parties to reconvene the Assembly at Stormont in order to stop abortion law changes in Northern Ireland, the long-awaited legislation came into effect at midnight on 21 October
Political statement – Communist Party of Ireland – September 2019
The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland at its regular meeting in late September discussed and evaluated both the national and the international situation. There are growing signs of a deepening global economic slowdown. The system may be facing into a new recession, with a combination of […]
Saving Harland and Wolff shipyard
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland9 August 2019 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the workers at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast and welcomes the action taken by them in defence of their jobs. Harland and Wolff should be nationalised. This could provide tens […]
The killing of Lyra McKee
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland20 April 2019 The Communist Party of Ireland strongly condemns the killing of Lyra McKee, a young journalist working and living in Derry, on Thursday 18 April. Once again a family has lost a loved one in a needless and senseless act committed by […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland16 March 2019 At its regular meeting on 16 March 2019 the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the current situation in relation to the continuing debate about Brexit and also the decision of the Public Prosecution Service in regard […]
Cuban doctors unable to carry out their mission in Brazil
The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, committed to the solidarity and humanistic principles that have guided Cuba’s medical co-operation for fifty-five years, has been participating in the programme More Doctors for Brazil since its inception in August 2013. This initiative, launched by Dilma Rousseff, who was […]
Challenges facing the workers’ movement
Speech at the international communist meeting, Athens, by Eugene McCartan, general secretary, CPI Comrades, Imperialism is mired in an ever-deepening crisis. At the global, regional and national levels the system is now enmeshed, through its contradictions, in several interconnected crises—economic, political, environmental, cultural, and moral. It is the role of […]