Declan Kearney, Sinn Féin MLA writing in the An Phoblacht paper, is wondering out loud about a “left Republican alliance being the way forward”. Interesting though that he didn’t say that a Socialist Republican alliance is the way forward! There’s a big difference between the ‘Liberal Left’ approach and a […]
War as an extension of politics and economics
The German military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz famously declared “war is a continuation of politics by other means”. Lenin, like all good Marxists, took this insightful analysis and added class to its understanding stating war as a part of class politics: “we understand the inevitable connection between wars and the […]
China’s Saudi Bond Sale: A Re-dollarization Strategy Emerges?
Recently China made a bond sale in Saudi Arabia. While perhaps not particularly notable on the surface, if we dig a little deeper, we can see some signs of China’s broader geopolitical goals being played out. China has long called for a global system of cooperation, based on the UN […]
New Year’s Statement 2025
The Communist Party of Ireland sends revolutionary greetings to Ireland’s working class, family farmers, students and apprentices, and to all those forces fighting to create a better future for our people. The coming year will see continued attacks upon the living standards of our class and further degradation of health […]
Statement on the outcome of the 2024 General Election in the 26 Counties
The outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities. Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy which sees the Irish government unable […]
Pan-African anti-imperialist conference in Senegal
While the Western bourgeois elite is slowly being overwhelmed by panic over the impending defeat of NATO in Ukraine, on other continents, the peoples of the world are raising their heads and taking advantage of the weakness of imperialism, demanding their rightful place in the arena of history. From 25th […]
Statement: Whoever stands up for Cuba today, stands up for all times
“To the political parties, social and popular movements, progressive and leftist forces and the world movement of solidarity with Cuba, To friends of Cuba in the world in general, Since the previous administration of President Donald Trump, the economic, commercial and financial blockade measures imposed by the United States government […]
Successful ICTU Motion on Health Services
Comrade Gearóid Ó Machail, SIPTU NIDC Workplace Representative and National Executive Committee member of the Communist Party of Ireland, succeeded in having the below resolution passed at the recent NIC-ICTU Biennial Delegates Conference in the Guildhall, Derry. MOTION: This motion calls on ICTU to lead an active campaign to highlight […]
Review: Lost Gaels by Peadar Thompson, and Blood & Thunder – Rugby and Irish Life: A History by Liam O’Callaghan
In the past few months, two important contributions to Irish sports history hit the shelves of bookshops around the country. Labelling these books as Irish sports history is potentially reductive, as both authors make it very clear that the history they write is a shadow of what we would call […]
Nobel Prize for Literature: Han Kang
On 10th December 2024, Han Kang will be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making her the second South Korean and the first Asian woman to receive this honour. Known for her focus on South Korea’s complex history of violence, oppression, and resistance, Kang’s win resonates powerfully with progressives, as […]
On the centenary of Puccini’s death
Europe in the mid-19th century experienced widespread political upheaval. The Revolutions of 1848, which swept across France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy, demanded political reform and national self-determination. While most of these revolts failed in the short term, they exposed tensions between conservative monarchies and the bourgeoisie, who pushed for […]
Profiting from Old Age
The 26 counties has a rapidly ageing population. According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the amount of the population aged 65 or over grew 40% between 2013-2023, from 569,000 to 806,000. By 2051, the number will double to 1.6 million. As with everything in this country, the lack of […]
The importance of language in revolutionary struggle
The terms left and right originated following the French Revolution. In the French national assembly, the right comprised aristocrats and the rich. The left comprised the poor and working class who demanded democracy and wanted more tax on the rich. Throughout history, the concept of left and right has changed, […]
General election results in the 26 Counties
The results of the General Election are now in, with the two major establishment parties – Fianna Fáil (48 seats) and Fine Gael (38) just falling two short of securing an overall majority with 86 TDs combined. Elsewhere, Sinn Féin won 39 seats, the Labour Party won 11, the Social […]
Are Street Demonstrations Working?
Despite more than 12 months of demonstrations, millions marching, and other actions, we are not seriously rupturing the hegemony of the prosecutors of any imperialist wars or of those complicit in the present Palestinian genocide. The liberal approaches inherent in too many demonstrations have failed and were always destined to […]
The Caring Rebrand: Women on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis
Our island floats on the backs of unpaid women. Ireland has the third highest amount of unpaid work in the EU, consisting primarily of care work. The state has continued to support a gendered distribution of this work, rather than attempt any dual caregiving model, like those of Scandinavian countries […]