
Featured Latest Marxist Feminism

Women, Capitalism, and Class: Women are forced to carry an unequal burden

Indisputably, the exploitation of women under capitalism is deeply rooted in the class structure of society and the economic system itself, and even a rudimentary class analysis quickly reveals how capitalism perpetuates and benefits from the oppression of women, particularly working-class women. Under capitalism women must battle with the dual […]

Economics Featured Latest

Bubbles and Stagnation

The supposed dynamism of capitalism, a system celebrated for its unrelenting drive towards production and accumulation, is now facing another unravelling of its contradictions. The mirage of a post-pandemic recovery has stalled, revealing a toxic brew of stagnating growth, persistent inflation, and an out-of-control tech and AI bubble: classic stagflation […]

Latest Sports

Bread and circuses

Bread and circuses is an often used term to critique modern sports, alluding to the Roman bread dole and the Colosseum games. The idea being that the state funds and pushes these sports onto the workers to distract us from the class issues of the day. This idea is most […]

Latest Letters

Letter to the editor

Dear editor, A lack of understanding on a topic or community often finds itself wrapped in a blanket of concern for “the movement”. Communist parties don’t have a monopoly on correct takes, and have historically neglected the experiences of women, racial minorities or LGBTQ people, in their quest for revolutionary […]

Books History Latest

Heinrich Mann’s The Loyal Subject– A Sharp Analysis of Power and Submission on the 75th Anniversary of His Death

Heinrich Mann, brother of Thomas Mann and in his own right one of the most significant German writers of the 20th century, died in exile in California 75 years ago, on March 11, 1950. His literary work, deeply concerned with social justice and political change, remains relevant today. Mann’s writing […]