
Current Affairs International Political Economy

The EU driving privatisation

The crisis in health services is Europe-wide. The pace of market-driven health “reform” has speeded up since capitalism’s 2008 crash as neo- liberal governments—with both conservative and social democratic labels—have imposed the costs of saving the banks on working people. Public health services, with their massive property holdings, substantial staff […]

International Socialism

Socialism and a Catalan Republic

The continuing struggle over Catalan independence raises many questions for socialists and the left, especially those in countries, such as Ireland, where the national question still has a prime place in politics. Events in Catalunya show that independence movements are not, as idealists would think, concerned only with such issues […]

Imperialism International

The road to Damascus

In 2007 General Wesley Clarke revealed the Pentagon’s post-9/11 plan to overthrow “seven countries in five years: Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” In the 7 October edition of the Tory Spectator, J. R. Bradley outlined the now failed plot against Syria: “our cynical […]

Imperialism International

The battle for Venezuela goes on

Venezuela held regional elections on 15 October, electing governors in the twenty-three states. What was reported in the corporate media was that the opposition denounced the results as fraudulent, as did the governments of the United States, France, and Canada. The opposition has cried “fraud” every time it has lost […]

Article Culture International

Bratacha éagsúla

Attoor Ravivarma (or Attur Ravi Varma) writes in Malayalam, the language of Kerala, spoken by about 20 million people. Among Indian states, Kerala had the first democratically elected communist government, and over the years Keralans vote either the Congress Party or the Communist Party into office. Ravivarma’s poem was translated […]