
Imperialism International Political Statements

Palestine & the International Anti-Imperial Struggle

The Communist Party of Ireland reaffirms our unwavering support for the steadfast people of Palestine as they confront the full force of US imperialism embodied in Donald Trump’s right-wing, ultra-nationalist administration. West Asia has become the frontline of the international anti-imperial struggle and there has been a seismic shift in […]

Imperialism International

Edge of Destruction

Are we heading towards World War 3? It is no exaggeration to admit that, if so, humanity’s very existence will be threatened, from the potential usage of nuclear weapons to the use of “conventional” weapons systems, that alone would create a climate breakdown. We currently face major conflicts involving imperialist-backed […]

Article International

Lies, damned lies and surveys

This year’s Holocaust Memorial Day in Dublin was a memorable one, with President, Michael D Higgins accused of antisemitism by the Ambassador for Genocide, Dana Ehrlich and by members of “the Irish Jewish community”. The accusations were made because Higgins dared to say that the phrase “never again” also included […]

Current Affairs International

Do street protests work?

In the previous issue of Socialist Voice, Barry Murray asked a crucial tactical question: “Are street demonstrations working?”[1] What has been achieved for the cause of Palestinian liberation in more than a year of mass street demonstrations? Murray diagnoses a central educational issue in the movements coming together over the […]


Geopolitical earthquake in the Middle East

The primary reason for Western powers’ involvement in Syria’s domestic affairs has always been to protect Zionist interests. Syria’s secular Arab Ba’ath party, legitimised in the parliamentary election of July 2024, has been replaced today by Jolani’s illegitimate, jihadist warlords’ alliance, thrust upon the Syrian people and elevated to power […]

International Political Statements

Statement: Whoever stands up for Cuba today, stands up for all times

“To the political parties, social and popular movements, progressive and leftist forces and the world movement of solidarity with Cuba, To friends of Cuba in the world in general, Since the previous administration of President Donald Trump, the economic, commercial and financial blockade measures imposed by the United States government […]

Article International

Are Street Demonstrations Working?

Despite more than 12 months of demonstrations, millions marching, and other actions, we are not seriously rupturing the hegemony of the prosecutors of any imperialist wars or of those complicit in the present Palestinian genocide. The liberal approaches inherent in too many demonstrations have failed and were always destined to […]

International Trade Unionism

Construction Workers Union, CMFEU, Suffer Unprecedented Take Over by Labour Party Government

One of Australia’s biggest and most radical construction workers’ unions is on the defensive after being taken under state administration by the ruling Australian Labour Party (ALP). 270 elected leaders of the CMFEU (Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union) have been removed under this administration, barring union leaders from undertaking […]

Economics International Letters

Trump World

The election last month of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America has received extensive media coverage. Much of the reporting has, understandably, focused on the individual and his idiosyncratic, even eccentric behaviour. How did such an unconventional character manage to persuade a majority of Americans to […]