In an attempt to “Make America Great Again”(MAGA), Trump deported 104 “illegal” migrants to India on 5th February 2025, handcuffed and with ankles chained in a military aircraft. Colombia condemned similar action towards their citizens but the right-wing government in India, in its subservience to US imperialism, has not uttered […]
Our pro-empire establishment is not new
Politicians and media once again are nauseatingly pumping out pro-war materials, under the guise of defence and security, attacking our long-held position of neutrality and the more recent mechanism of securing it under the triple-lock. This mechanism, a compromise won by the people’s rejection of Nice 1, aligns to the […]
Palestine & the International Anti-Imperial Struggle
The Communist Party of Ireland reaffirms our unwavering support for the steadfast people of Palestine as they confront the full force of US imperialism embodied in Donald Trump’s right-wing, ultra-nationalist administration. West Asia has become the frontline of the international anti-imperial struggle and there has been a seismic shift in […]
Ireland, neutrality, and the axis of genocide
On the 23rd of January 2025, The Ditch published a story detailing how the Department of Defence was keeping its interactions with lobbyists for arms manufacturers “confidential”[1]. The lobby group involved is the Irish Defence and Security Association (IDSA) – who count among its members genocidaires Lockheed Martin and Patria. […]
Edge of Destruction
Are we heading towards World War 3? It is no exaggeration to admit that, if so, humanity’s very existence will be threatened, from the potential usage of nuclear weapons to the use of “conventional” weapons systems, that alone would create a climate breakdown. We currently face major conflicts involving imperialist-backed […]
Ireland within the world system of imperialism and class dynamics
Ireland has an FDI-dependent economy, of that there is little doubt or even disagreement across the political spectrum. Approximately 280,000 workers are directly employed by FDI and 30% of Dublin jobs are in FDI companies. This job dependency grows significantly when we consider jobs indirectly associated to the presence of […]
War as an extension of politics and economics
The German military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz famously declared “war is a continuation of politics by other means”. Lenin, like all good Marxists, took this insightful analysis and added class to its understanding stating war as a part of class politics: “we understand the inevitable connection between wars and the […]
China’s Saudi Bond Sale: A Re-dollarization Strategy Emerges?
Recently China made a bond sale in Saudi Arabia. While perhaps not particularly notable on the surface, if we dig a little deeper, we can see some signs of China’s broader geopolitical goals being played out. China has long called for a global system of cooperation, based on the UN […]
Revolutionary Defeatism
The Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil/Green Party government has been characterised by an increasing shift towards NATO, an intensification of moves that occurred under previous governments, introducing new levels of entanglement with PESCO and other “common defence” initiatives. This is happening in tandem with the increased militarisation of the EU the ever-greater sabre-rattling of […]
Venezuela Fighting On
Once again, the Venezuelan opposition has refused to accept the electoral victory of Chavismo. Since the first victory of Hugo Chavez in 1999, the Venezuelan extreme right have used fascistic methods to try and break the Bolivarian Revolution. These include attempted coups, terrorist attacks against public health and education centres, […]
Recent Election in the Six Counties
The context within which any electoral or social struggles takes place is critical to an understanding of how the working class understands how or where change can be secured. The ongoing struggle between Irish democratic forces and forces wedded to imperialism is the basic context in which the elections must […]
Palestine and the Environmental Struggle: a debate between Andreas Malm and Matan Kaminer
A recent series of blog posts on the website of Verso Books, acclaimed publisher on the left, attracted a lot of attention online. Andreas Malm, best known for his excellent analysis of the capitalist systems of climate emergency, started this series off with his long and informative essay “The Destruction […]
James Connolly Commemoration at Arbour Hill
The following is a speech given by Cuban Ambassador of Ireland, Bernardo Guanche Henandez, at this year’s James Connolly Commemoration at Arbour Hill in Dublin: “Comrades all, I am very honored this afternoon to pay tribute to a historical figure of the stature of James Connolly, a prominent Marxist and […]
Book Review – Techno Feudalism by Yanis Varoufakis
The M-C-C’-M’ circuit means Money (M) which is exchanged for Commodities (C) – including labor power which also becomes a commodity in a capitalist society – involved in the production process to produce a value-added commodity (C’) which is sold for more Money (M’), and thus the accumulation of capital […]
Without fear, without hope
In an often mentioned quote from the Italian partisan and later president, Sandro Pertini exclaimed that “sometimes in life it’s necessary to fight, not just without fear, but also without hope.” Today, as we have access to a wide range of media reports on the major crises around the world, […]
Triple-Lock – The betrayal of a solemn promise to the Irish People
In one of the most disturbing recent Irish government announcements, Mícheál Martin has repeated his administration’s intention to press ahead with legislation to get rid of the triple-lock dealing with Irish military involvement abroad. Designed to protect this country’s neutrality, the triple-lock curtails the unrestricted deployment of Irish troops in […]