The last property crash was brought about by a combination of banks lending on the basis of spurious calculations, massaging their own financial data, and inflated property prices that were completely divorced from reality. Following the collapse, property prices adjusted back to more realistic values. The Government bailed out the […]
Current Affairs
More power to you!
The recently launched campaign by three of our largest trade unions—SIPTU, Fórsa, and Connect—is to be welcomed. Under the slogan “More Power to You,” it is asking voters to take the local power pledge: “I believe in local government.” This is a pledge to use your vote in the coming […]
Reckless isolated groups should vacate the stage
he death of Lyra McKee was a needless tragedy inflicted on a young woman by thoughtless stooges. It was an act that devastated her life partner, her family, and her friends and colleagues in the world of journalism. There is no room for equivocation when commenting on this event. Yet […]
Vote left!
This month we face a number of electoral choices: local elections, elections for the EU Parliament, and a proposed amendment to the Constitution. The local elections have produced a staggering number of small parties and independents, hoping to be elected to what is in fact powerless local government. Real power […]
James Connolly Festival, 2019 7–12 May
This year’s James Connolly Festival, running from Tuesday 7 May to Sunday 12 May, will build on the great success of previous incarnations. The programme will include contributions on a wide range of topics, continuing the commitment to exploring left-wing politics and ideas through discussion, arts, and culture. While the […]
International Working Women’s Day, 2019 Speech by Ghada Abdalkeem (Sudan)
Good evening, everybody. My thanks to the Communist Party of Ireland for inviting me to speak today. First of all let me send my greetings to all the communist parties, workers’ parties and the democratic organisations for their support and solidarity for the people of Sudan in their ongoing revolution […]
International Working Women’s Day, 2019
The CPI held a number of successful events to celebrate International Working Women’s Day this year. The two main events took place in Belfast and Dublin. The Dublin event, organised by the CPI Women’s Group, was held under the heading “The lives and struggles of working women.” It took the […]
American anti-war activists arrested at Shannon
The American anti-war movement, with Veterans for Peace in the lead, are taking up the issue of US military use of Shannon Airport as a transit hub for American wars in the Middle East and provocative NATO war “games” in eastern Europe. This is one of the many positive outcomes […]
Israeli Apartheid Week, 2019
23 February to 6 March Israeli Apartheid Week is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid regime and to build support for the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and to help in grass-roots organising for effective solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. […]
Bono at Davos
I used to own an Alsatian dog. He was very partial to a dog biscuit called Bonios. When I first heard that Paul Hewson was known as “Bono” I was unable to dissociate him from the dog biscuit. He used to hang around Grafton Street in Dublin with the other […]
Christy Moore to unveil a plaque to Kildare communists
A plaque to the memory of the Kildare communist Frank Conroy, killed in Spain while fighting with the International Brigades, will be unveiled in June in Kilcullen Heritage Centre, Co. Kildare, by Christy Moore. Frank Conroy was born on 25 February 1914 in Kilcullen and was killed on 28 December […]
Brexit: Fact or fiction?
There is a lot more fiction than fact in the Brexit debate, the smoke and mirrors being created by the establishment here, in Britain, and in the EU. The Government are up to their necks in the propaganda war, and have failed to deal with Brexit in Ireland’s interest. Instead […]
All will change, change utterly—and for the better
“Oh, words are lightly spoken, said Pearse to Connolly.” This is a line from W. B. Yeats’s poem “The Rose Tree.” It is not, though, something always practised by the establishment in our 26-county republic. Their words are carefully chosen to deliver a message. Moreover, what they say and how […]
Socialism or barbarism
There has been a lot of spin about the recent eviction in Co. Roscommon. The fact of the matter is that the Central Bank stated in April 2018 that more than 29,000 mortgages are in arrears for at least two years. It estimates that more than half of these will […]
Brexit and the divisions within the British ruling class
The British ruling class is divided over the Brexit issue. That much is clear. Not so obvious, though, is the underlying cause of this split. Among the jingoistic fringe there is a hankering after the glory days of empire. Reared to believe that the sun was never supposed to set […]
The body politic
The New Year and the annual (temporary) surge in gym membership, attendance at diet groups and body-shaming begins anew. In the coming days and weeks women (and, increasingly, men) will be cajoled or bullied by television programmes, magazine covers, newspaper articles and advertisers to lose a dress or trouser size, […]