The context within which any electoral or social struggles takes place is critical to an understanding of how the working class understands how or where change can be secured. The ongoing struggle between Irish democratic forces and forces wedded to imperialism is the basic context in which the elections must […]
Author: Communist Party of Ireland
Results of Local & EU Elections of June 7th
The 7th of June Local and EU elections showed the continuing strength and stability of bourgeois ideology in Irish society. Despite facing several related crises such as housing & homelessness, a deteriorating health service, increasing levels of poverty, right-wing attacks on migrants, as well as opposition to the government’s policy […]
EU & Local Government Elections June 7th
The EU and Local Government elections take place against the ongoing crisis of capitalism and the increasing preparations by NATO to unleash a direct war against Russia and the People’s Republic of China. As part of these war preparations, the Irish establishment – both political and media – are attempting […]
Recognition of Palestine State is victory of Irish People
The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the decision of the Irish government to recognise the State of Palestine. This decision by the Irish state to recognise the State of Palestine is the result of decades of demand and struggle, a struggle that has intensified since the invasion of Gaza in […]
50th Anniversary of the Dublin-Monaghan Bombings
Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann / the Communist Party of Ireland once again expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings on this the 50th anniversary; bombings that murdered 33 and injured 300 of our fellow citizens, leaving many families and individuals scarred for life both […]
Victory for the Trinity College Students
Students of Trinity College ended their encampment on the college grounds today, the mass, radical, direct action in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. This encampment, which started last Friday, had clear demands for the College to take institutional responsibility, divest from Israeli companies, end academic ties with Israeli institutions, and […]
May Day 2024 Statement
The Communist Party of Ireland sends May Day greetings to the Irish working class, to all anti-imperialist and progressive organisations, to the international Communist movement, to all those struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and native capitalism, and to those actively struggling to build socialism. In particular, we send greetings to the […]
Lough Neagh – the eye of capitalist climate destruction
Lough Neagh, just outside Belfast, has often been described as the “eye of the bear” that is the outline shape of the island of Ireland. It is the largest fresh-water lake in Ireland or England. The lake is 20 miles long, about 10 miles wide and is about the size […]
Lord Alderdice and the North
Two rival positions are circulating regarding the British and the North. The first is the British have no interest in maintaining the North. Lord Alderdice recently revived this argument in an interview online, claiming the Irish government, not the British, block unity. The second is that the British want to […]
Without fear, without hope
In an often mentioned quote from the Italian partisan and later president, Sandro Pertini exclaimed that “sometimes in life it’s necessary to fight, not just without fear, but also without hope.” Today, as we have access to a wide range of media reports on the major crises around the world, […]
Byron and the “Satanic School”
George Gordon Lord Byron was born in London on 22 January 1788. In 1794, he inherited the title Baron Byron on the death of his great uncle, and was titled Lord Byron in 1798. He attended Harrow and went on to study at Cambridge in 1805. Here he published his […]
On the need for a Popular Front
In March I wrote a piece suggesting it is time for a new Popular Front, given the many multifaceted and related crisis humanity faces, but one that must be both eco-socialist and anti-capitalist given ecological and military developments since the 1930s. In our 26th Congress document we have already called […]
Triple-Lock – The betrayal of a solemn promise to the Irish People
In one of the most disturbing recent Irish government announcements, Mícheál Martin has repeated his administration’s intention to press ahead with legislation to get rid of the triple-lock dealing with Irish military involvement abroad. Designed to protect this country’s neutrality, the triple-lock curtails the unrestricted deployment of Irish troops in […]
Laos and the building of socialism
The Lao Peoples Democratic Republic came into being in 1975, after a decade of relentless US bombing against the Lao, Vietnamese, and Cambodian peoples. Laos is per capita the most bombed country in the world. 10% of its population were killed directly by US bombs and a similar number left […]
The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour
The trade union movement, north and south, is at a significant crossroads where it can choose to struggle, fight, grow and raise the expectations and consciousness of our class and with our class, or it can choose to be further incorporated into the structures of Imperialism. With changing demographics and […]
Cumann na mBan, Women and Revolutionary Politics
On 2nd April 1914, in Wynne’s Hotel in Dublin, Cumann na mBan was founded. The first provisional committee of the organisation included Agnes MacNeill, Nancy O’Rahilly, Mary Colum, Jenny Wyse Power, Louise Gavan Duffy, and Elizabeth Bloxham, with MacNeill as its president. Its objectives were to advance the cause of […]