Dear editor,
A lack of understanding on a topic or community often finds itself wrapped in a blanket of concern for “the movement”. Communist parties don’t have a monopoly on correct takes, and have historically neglected the experiences of women, racial minorities or LGBTQ people, in their quest for revolutionary change.
In the February issue of the Socialist Voice, a letter to the editor questioned whether a January article on restricted healthcare access to children in the 6 counties was of enough value to feature in the pages of this fine publication. Primarily because of the “statistically tiny” quantity of children impacted, overwhelmingly LGBTQ+ kids at that, and that it’s of little interest to the class as a whole, therefore of little worth to our movement, of which the “overriding objective is to raise class consciousness to help ‘burst asunder’ the ‘fetters’ of capitalist relations”.
Why have “a debate at all”, they asked.
I believe both of their key arguments are incorrect, which I hope to highlight below.
To preface, I’ve never known the Communist movement in Ireland to justify a ranking of oppression – injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere – but for the sake of a fair rebuttal, I’ll oblige here.
The UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, estimates that “up to 1.7 percent of the population are born with intersex traits”, i.e. people born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. Though not always identifying as trans, variations in hormonal patterns make them most at risk of being harmed by a lack of access to appropriate healthcare. [1]
For context, that’s about 80,950 people living in the 26 counties based on the 2016 Census total population of 4.67 million. [2]
That’s 8 times the amount of registered homeless people from 2022 CSO data. [3]
In a statement from Transgender Equality Network Ireland, they highlight, “it is evident that transgender youth encounter substantial mental health challenges, and refraining from offering support is not a neutral stance… the wealth of research… [confirms] that gender affirming healthcare is both safe and effective at improving their mental health and wellbeing.” [4]
On the second point of a lack of wider interest in the topic, the article in question had some of the most readers and interest across SV platforms that month. At the 3rd highest website reads from January’s SV, it out performed writings on housing, political analysis, foreign affairs and other more “relevant” topics, to paraphrase the complaint. There’s no evidence for the author’s claim that it’s an issue workers don’t care about, in fact, anecdotally, it seems the total opposite, and the vibrancy of debate that followed reinforces that point.
The ongoing pivot to the right seen across western politics has firmly targeted trans people as the latest scapegoat in their attempts to divide, distract and pit workers against each other. It is always of benefit to the movement to resist fascist aggression (regardless of the quantity of its latest target, or perceived aesthetics of speaking up), empower workers and fight for civil liberties.
We don’t shy away from the debate.
I’m not alone in voicing my incredible pride in the work of this party’s queer membership, in particular of our trans comrades, who have been some of our most dedicated members, holding committee and branch positions for the last number of years. Their most recent research and analysis of restricted healthcare access in the north is a continuation of the party’s fine tradition of spotlighting a wide range of proletarian experiences and capitalist oppression, and aligns perfectly with party members’ constitutional obligation to “struggle against all manifestations of bigotry and prejudice”. [5]
The CPI’s Political Resolution further reinforces our solidarity and commitment to these communities, and long may it last!
Up the party!
“The LGBT+ community does not stand apart from the working-class. We recognise that the LGBT+ community is greatly, and sometimes more acutely affected by class issues such as access to healthcare, mental healthcare, housing, public safety, and employment, and we will support the community on these issues.” [6]
[1] OHCHR and the human rights of LGBTI people,as%20heterosexual%20(sexual%20orientation).
[2] Dublin City University, Dr Tanya Ní Mhuirthile, DCU School of Law and Government*In%202016%2C%20the%20United%20Nations,total%20population%20of%204.67%20million.
[3] Central Statistics Office, Census of Population 2022 Profile 6 – Homelessness
[4] TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) Statement on Cass Review into Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People
[5] Constitution, Communist Party of Ireland
[6] Political Resolution of the 26th National Congress, Communist Party of Ireland