Veterans for Peace: Let them home for Christmas!

Two members of the American organisation Veterans for Peace, Ken Mayers (aged 82) and Tarak Kauff (aged 77), are being punished by the Irish state without even having a trial. They are charged with a minor offence: entering Shannon Warport on St Patrick’s Day.

They tried to stand up for Irish neutrality and to search a US warplane; for this they were imprisoned for twelve days, and then strict bail conditions were imposed, including the confiscation of their passports.

So for more than seven months they have been hostages in Ireland, without being found guilty of any offence.

Their actual trial could be two or even three years away. This scandal must be stopped. It is time people began communicating with the minister for justice, Charlie Flanagan, and demanding that the persecution of these two elderly peace activists should end and that they be allowed to go home until their trial.

Have no fear: they will return, to prove that what they did was justified, because war is the crime.

And it would be worth while writing to RTE ( to express your concern that the national broadcaster has completely ignored this story—not for fear that it is sub judice but as censorship.

A “Let them home for Christmas” postcard and an on-line petition have begun. But you can make your own contribution: send an e-mail message, a card or a letter to Charles Flanagan, Minister for Justice, Leinster House, Dublin D02 A272, or to