

Sinn Féin’s wake?

At the time of the last general election in the South it was in vogue to remark that the only thing Sinn Féin were unsure of was whether they wanted to become the next Labour or the next Fianna Fáil. Now, in the light of the events of recent years, […]

History Ireland

Small ripples make big waves

The search for Frank Conroy’s birthplace and family On 13 December 1936 Frank Conroy, a member of the Republican Congress and the Communist Party of Ireland, sailed on the Holyhead ferry, alongside Frank Ryan, determined to defend the Spanish Republic against the fascist rebellion. This Spanish Civil War hero died […]

Imperialism Ireland

Unity is strength

Artificial barriers of religion and politics have been used down through the years to divide our people. In the North in 1932 there was a time when there was total unity of the working class. This was during the outdoor relief (social assistance) strike, when Catholic and Protestant workers united […]

Current Affairs Ireland

The Peadar O’Donnell Forum in Belfast

The Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum has held another successful weekend political school, this time in Belfast, from the 22nd to the 24th of September. The weekend opened with a public meeting on “Brexit and the Irish working class.” Brexit has split much of the left and sections of the […]

Campaigns Ireland

Dump the bin charges!

Ever since the privatisation of bin collection, the collectors have been looking at ways to increase their profits. This is what privatisation is about: nothing to do with recycling, efficiency, or the environment; all about maximising profits. It’s called capitalism. The best way to reduce waste is to produce less […]

Imperialism Ireland

Encouraging signs of growing unity

A recent feature in the Financial Times might cause some surprise among Ireland’s eight thousand homeless, or the many others struggling with the spiralling cost of renting even modest accommodation. The article reported that the Republic is now enjoying one of the most remarkable economic revivals the European Union has […]