
Featured Ireland Political Economy

New year, same problems

As we enter 2023, working people are still affected by long-standing problems: shortage of housing, crumbling health service, low wages, precarious work, spiralling rents, and growing inequality. Many of these conditions plague people in the Six Counties, with the added complication caused by British-imposed partition: sectarianism, a built-in unstable political […]

Featured International

Left victory in Colombia

The electoral victory of Gustavo Petro in Colombia is, without a doubt, one of the most significant political developments in Latin America in the last decade.      Colombia has traditionally been a stronghold of conservatism. The left and social movements have been routinely devastated for seven decades of unabashed right-wing […]

Featured Socialism

On transphobia

Recently, right-wing and liberal media have been attacking trans people in increasingly vicious ways. How can we analyse this from a left-wing viewpoint?      In 1919 Lenin said the following in a speech on anti-Semitism: “The hate of the workers and peasants, the landowners and capitalists tried to divert against […]

Current Affairs Featured

Inflation and starvation

Capitalism is a system that has an innate tendency to get into a cul-de-sac of crisis, and the only way it knows for coming out of crisis is by further exploitation of the working class.      The cost-of-living crisis—caused by inflation, which eats up the earnings of the working class […]

Featured International Political Statements

Why does Ireland refuse to campaign for peace in Ukraine?

The world still applauds the great effort that our government made in advocating negotiations for peace that led to a settlement, and the 1998 Good Friday Agreement on this island.      So why is our present government rejecting neutrality and refusing to lead the campaign for negotiations for peace to […]