A plaque to the memory of the Kildare communist Frank Conroy, killed in Spain while fighting with the International Brigades, will be unveiled in June in Kilcullen Heritage Centre, Co. Kildare, by Christy Moore.
Frank Conroy was born on 25 February 1914 in Kilcullen and was killed on 28 December 1936 at Lopera. His father, Michael Conroy, a baker by trade, worked in Michael O’Connell’s bakery in Kilcullen.
The plaque was presented to Nessa Dunlea of the Kilcullen 700 committee by the Frank Conroy Commemoration Committee, on behalf of the Friends of the International Brigades, Ireland. It is a twin of the one presented to the town council of Lopera in April 2016 by the FIBI.